Wednesday, March 20, 2013


I feel it.  I feel that home thing.  When I sit at a sandwich shop with Bon & Lys catching up, when I hang out and vent at Juan Valdez, when I sit for hours with my girls in the room talking about random crap...I feel it.  As I sit on my bed, reunited with my girls, anticipating the Galapagos in the AM, I still really miss home, but at the same time, I'm starting to think it's here too.

Some happenings of the past 48 hours...

[how could I not take this picture?!]

[wasting time at juan valdez]

[what a stylish little sis i have...on my last night in my home stay]

 [back in the apartment for good. YES.]

[skyping with my marky]

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