Friday, May 10, 2013

state side.

Despite the tears and heartache for my semester home...
being greeted by
Melissa waiting in the parking lot balling her eyes out,
Jess, Kristen, Molly, & Becca running to my car in Tib parking lot screaming,
Kaleb helping me brave the spring carnival and Tibstra dinner,
and countless hugs, life updates, smiles, and more tears
gives me a more wonderful feeling than I could have ever imagined.

Oh yeah state side yeah.

 [the welcome crew.  molly, becca, alyssa, melissa, me, kristen, and jess.]

 [me, kaitlin, and melissa at the tibstra dinner.]

 [me and kaleb.  couldn't have done this day without him.]

[me and kara.]

Thursday, May 9, 2013

traveling again.

I can't believe it's over.  I seriously can't believe it.  It's SO SURREAL.  It doesn't feel real at all.  Sitting in the airport, awaiting a long night of flying and a much anticipated return to Trin and Dyer, I find myself in awe of how fast it went.  It seems like I just got here and now I'm getting ready to board another plane and start yet another phase of life.

My heart is so full of this family and this place.  God knew exactly what He was doing when He sent me here.  He knew I would go on such incredible adventures.  He knew I would meet such wonderful people and make lifelong friends.  He knew I'd miss Trin but that His work there would continue without me.  He knew I'd be forced to trust Him.  He knew I'd be blessed with a much needed season of rest.  He knew it would fuel my passion for His world, His people, and experiencing those things.  He knew it would change my life.

So as I sit in the airport feeling highly accomplished after actually getting to flush my toilet paper--my heart is broken...but oh so full at the same time.

[last family lunch at our favorite Italian restaurant. LOVE THESE PEOPLE.]

Wednesday, May 8, 2013


My heart is so filled with anticipation.  In 24 hours I'll be sitting in the new airport in Quito waiting to board a plane.  Spending the last couple days at the beach has done wonders for my heart.  While it's still saturated with a jumble of crazy emotions and feelings about reaching the end of my semester, my heart is filled with so much more peace than it was before the beach.  

Spending two solid days soaking up the sun and being crazy with my Semester Abroad family was perfect.  Talking about how to deal with going back home in a healthy way was so needed.  Not only did I have a lot of time to think and reflect on the things God did in my life this semester, I also got to share a room with Kimmie [bug shenanigans and all in the middle of the night], walk the beach over and over with Alyssa and Ben, hug Bonnie Black every time she came near me, creep around with Scott and Alyssa, and enjoy the presence of this incredible family God has blessed me with this semester.  

 [beach yoga with my girls.  kimmie, me, & diana.]

 [sunset.  our last night on the beach.]

 [creepin as usual.  lys, scott, and me.]

 [going to miss this boss momma.]

 [awkward moments with sarah malatt.]

Saturday, May 4, 2013

nights like tonight.

It's getting real.  The end is getting so real.  

We went out to Old Quito, one of our favorite parts of the city, to get our last Ecuadorian empanadas and then dessert with a beautiful rooftop view.

Nights like tonight make me want to stay forever.  

 [sarah, aaron, rene, hannah, scott, michaella, janie, me, alyssa, bonnie, and ben.]

Thursday, May 2, 2013

jungle take two.

Besides the insane amount of sweat and bugs, the jungle is one of my favorite parts of Ecuador.  We spent six days hanging out in that wonderful place, stopping at the hot springs of Papallacta on the way there, taking Roberto, Charmai, and their family out for pizza and ice cream in Tena, running a three day sports camp, moving a crapload of rocks for a new basketball court at Antioch school and having a blast and a half playing Les Mis "the rockpile edition"while doing it, hiking to and swimming in a waterfall, making chocolate with Hernon at the Hostal, adventuring through the jungle to visit what we like to call "the tree of life," stopping to see the Nate Saint house on the way back as well as fearing for our lives on a cable car across a beautiful canyon, exploring Baños and inhaling it's incredible empanadas.  

Time in the jungle has a way of making me re-evaluate my life and my heart, and this trip was no different.  Spending time in prayer for my friends back home, my last couple weeks in Ecuador, the transition back into American life, and what God has for my future was truly wonderful.  Serving the precious kiddos of Mishahualli and being able to support the ministry Roberto and Charmai have established there will forever be part of my heart and love for this place.  I couldn't have asked for more brokenness, more laughs, more sweat, more adventure, and more joy than I experienced with my friends these past six days.  Praise Him.

 [ra-ra, me, lys, zach, michaella, and scott at the hot springs.]

 [bonnie, alyssa, and me.  love them forever.]

[out for pizza with our missionary friends.]

 [benny boo, me, and nene.]

 [ben, me, and lys.  reporting live from the rockpile.]

 [our girls.  me, marisol, yadira, & bon.]

 [hanging out at sports camp with my girls. me, marisol, & yadira.]

 [michaella, janie, me, & lys.]

 [zach, me, alyssa, ben, & rene.]

 [love these girls.  sida, me, & marisol.]

 [pretty much sums up our week.  me & bon.]

 [christy stumbo everyone.  love her.]

 [so encouraged by the way this girl seeks God.  me and kerry.]

 [yadira.  going to miss this girl.]

 [getting blisters while making chocolate.]

 [it was so worth it.  fruit and fondue.  scott, me, sarah, & bon.]

 [visiting the nate saint house.  so cool to stand in this piece of missionary history.]


 [not looking down.  me, jenna, sarah, & diana.]

 [sampling the taffy in baños.  michaella, bon, lys, sarah, and me.]