Friday, May 10, 2013

state side.

Despite the tears and heartache for my semester home...
being greeted by
Melissa waiting in the parking lot balling her eyes out,
Jess, Kristen, Molly, & Becca running to my car in Tib parking lot screaming,
Kaleb helping me brave the spring carnival and Tibstra dinner,
and countless hugs, life updates, smiles, and more tears
gives me a more wonderful feeling than I could have ever imagined.

Oh yeah state side yeah.

 [the welcome crew.  molly, becca, alyssa, melissa, me, kristen, and jess.]

 [me, kaitlin, and melissa at the tibstra dinner.]

 [me and kaleb.  couldn't have done this day without him.]

[me and kara.]

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