Saturday, April 20, 2013


Feelin like a world class adventurer these days.  After getting up EIGHT-- I repeat-- EIGHT times to pee last night due to the massive amounts of water I consumed in preparation for our hike on the world's largest active volcano, Cotopaxi, I put on my six layers of clothes, topping off my obnoxious hiking look with Kimmie's sweet striped socks, and set out on a Saturday adventure to hike through some Equator snow.  

Spending the day trudging through the sleet, licking the Cotopaxi glacier, holding Bon's hand to keep that girl from sliding to her death, jumping down the rocky, sandy hill and falling on my butt with Kim over and over again, and loving my incredible semester abroad friends was absolutely wonderful.  

 [scott, bon, janie, hannah, zach, benny, lys, michaella,
me, and kimmie.]

 [stopping at the lodge for some hot chocolate.]

 [so thankful for my kimmie.]

 [i love us.]

 [we did it.  holding hands the whole way down the glacier.  LOVE these girls.]

 [my bonster.]

 [and why not throw in a little beyonce.]

 [rockin our hiking socks.]

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