Sunday, February 17, 2013

new week, new home.

I am currently being serenaded by the lovely sound of a 60-something year old Venezuelan woman snoring like a foghorn in the bed next to me.

Welcome to home stays.

We left our college life in the apartment and moved in with our Ecuafamilies last night.  I expected a low key entrance into Ecuafamily life, but I got the exact opposite. [funny how that works.] As soon as we left the family meet and greet, we speed walked our way to church.  My Ecuadad, Daniel, was singing in church, so he pointed out a seat next to his Venezuelan aunt, who is visiting for the week, and left me in the dust.  My Ecuamom, Nery, came a few minutes later and well, I really don't know what she was doing, and my Ecuasister, Anita, was chillin in a carseat in the middle aisle.  After church we went out for Colombian food with a bunch of their friends from church.  Today about ten or twelve people came over for lunch and stayed most of the day.  By the time 6pm rolled around, I was almost in tears, overwhelmed with the amount of crazy fast Spanish I had tried to soak in for 24 hours.  I've never longed for English so much in my life...but God is good, and my Ecuafamily is great.  AND after all that, we went to Christy's for a movie tonight with Kim, Jenna, Zach, and Scott and his Ecuafamily.  I was reminded of how much the people in this program really do care about me and love me...even when they make fun of my laugh every 3 minutes.

 [mi familia]

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